Thursday, November 5, 2009

My, how time flies!

It seems the last time I was here it was spring. Now we're well into fall. Oops. I've been doing a lot of FBing lately (primarily because I can do it from my phone), but I know some people don't have a FB account, so I guess I'd better post some pics here as well. In the interest of fairness and all.

Guess we'll pick up with some Halloween fun...

This year for Halloween, Kathryn was a fairy princess (naturally) and Annaliese was a ladybug. My favorite part of the night was when Annaliese walked up to the houses yelling, "Tick or eat!" and Kathryn sort of hid behind her. Hilarious. Amazing how two kids can be so different at times.

We spent the evening carving pumpkins with my mom and sister. Eventually, Tiffany showed up with Bryan and LG. Bryan joined in the carving and later went trick-or-treating with us. Good times were had by all--despite the cold.

(This last one is from Evan's work Halloween party, which is a different story entirely, but still part of the Halloween experience.)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Gardeners

There's no place like Granny's house...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Welcome, Baby!

Congratulations to Rick and Tiffany on their beautiful new baby girl!

Lyndsay Grace
May 15, 2009
6lbs 5 oz

Lyndsay Grace was born yesterday via emergency c-section. Tiffany went in for a routine stress test (for her gestational diabetes) and they noticed an irregularity with the baby's heartbeat. An ultrasound revealed that she had wrapped the umbilical cord around her neck.

The staff is now hard at work trying to regulate Lyndsay Grace's blood sugar. She has improved dramatically from last night and is now able to be held by visitors. Tiffany is also doing well. They are hoping to go home Monday or Tuesday.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spring is here!

After a massive pollen attack finally subsided, I was able to actually enjoy the beautiful spring weather. The girls and I went to the park for some swinging and sliding. It was a good time. Kathryn is (mostly) over her fear of swinging high and Annaliese just laughs at everything.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ballet Baby

Turns out ballet isn't exactly what Kathryn expected. I signed her up for a class at the YWCA, thinking it would be low-key and no pressure. It's a once-a-week half hour class that has no beginning or end. It just continues and you pay monthly. No recitals, no specific dress code. Perfect, right? Not so much.

All the other girls have clearly been going longer than Kathryn and she's completely discouraged because she can't do the dance as well as them. So discouraged, if fact, that she refused to go this week. (It was actually pretty good timing because she was contagious with strep throat anyway.)

I think we're going to finish out the month and then look into a real class with a start and end. Then at least she's on the same page, even if I do have to deal with the stage fright.

At least she loves the clothes.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The New Bike

Woohoo!! We now have the internet at home again! To celebrate, here are some photos of Kathryn enjoying her new princess bike. Apparently, she really wanted the Barbie bike and is furious with Evan for "forcing" her to get the princess one. Either way, she's having a good time. Now if she could just figure out the difference between pedaling forward and braking...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Puppy Love

Over the weekend, we spent some time visiting Rick & Tiffany at their new house.  We also met their new puppy, Skunk.  Annaliese loved her, but she wasn't a big fan of being licked or knocked over, so Rick had to hold Skunk still while Annaliese made friends with her.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Little Show-Off

Annaliese's new favorite game is climbing onto the rocking chair at my mom's house. Usually she stands up and rocks "no hands" style. Today she's showing off the headband she stole from Kathryn and put on by herself. She's very proud.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Curious Case of the Bedwetting

Thus far in my almost 4 years of parenting, nothing has frustrated me quite as much as coming home to find that for the 5th consecutive day (not counting three at school in the middle), Kathryn has had an accident during her nap. Under normal circumstances, this might not be such a big deal. Wash the sheets, move on. Unfortunately, we are not living under normal circumstances and she is sleeping in my (non-plastic sheet covered) bed, which is wedged into a very small section of a room, making changing the sheets extremely difficult. Added to that is the fact that we only have one set of sheets for the bed, so we can't just put on new ones. 3 of the 4 previous days, Annaliese has been asleep--and consequently woken up--at 8 o'clock when I can finally put the sheets on again.

Strangely enough, as I mentioned, this did not happen on the days that she was at school. Think they would take her 7 days a week, just for nap time???

Sunday, January 4, 2009

We're Back....

We've entered 2009 with a camera that takes real pictures and have now learned how to upload them to the computer. To celebrate, meet my new 1-year-old.