Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Gardeners

There's no place like Granny's house...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Welcome, Baby!

Congratulations to Rick and Tiffany on their beautiful new baby girl!

Lyndsay Grace
May 15, 2009
6lbs 5 oz

Lyndsay Grace was born yesterday via emergency c-section. Tiffany went in for a routine stress test (for her gestational diabetes) and they noticed an irregularity with the baby's heartbeat. An ultrasound revealed that she had wrapped the umbilical cord around her neck.

The staff is now hard at work trying to regulate Lyndsay Grace's blood sugar. She has improved dramatically from last night and is now able to be held by visitors. Tiffany is also doing well. They are hoping to go home Monday or Tuesday.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Spring is here!

After a massive pollen attack finally subsided, I was able to actually enjoy the beautiful spring weather. The girls and I went to the park for some swinging and sliding. It was a good time. Kathryn is (mostly) over her fear of swinging high and Annaliese just laughs at everything.