Sunday, September 14, 2008

Introducing the Redhead to the World's Favorite Sport

She didn't actually seem too excited about Uncle Andy's soccer tournament this weekend, but Annaliese certainly loved being outside. Guess who else loved it? Kathryn & Drew. Kathryn was actually a little more excited about the soccer, but not enough that she sat and actually watched it. She was too busy picking on Drew and Aunt Rachelle. Luckily she was so distracted that she missed seeing one of Andy's players fall and break her collar bone--which did nothing to convince me that soccer is the best sport for my kids.


R said...

ok. i have a couple things to say.
1. cute kids!
2. i hate those pics of me. yuck. can you say i need to start to b-feed again? i'm all about all the calories it burns.

R said...

but you did get to meet ms. red wings too.

Lindsay said...

Yeah. That was pretty cool. She was very nice.

I like the pictures of Kathryn dragging Drew around. I have about 10 more of them.

standsure said...

Looks like you all had a great time! I wish I was there. Tell Anna to stop growing so much!

Lindsay said...

I have. Many times. She just won't listen. (She gets that from her big sister, you know.)