Since meeting her heroes (Cinderella, Snow White, Briar Rose, Jasmine, and Belle--pictures to follow), Kathryn has been even more outgoing and talkative than normal. Yes, hard as it is to believe, it's really true. She's also started acting a little more independently than before. For example, at Disney World, she locked herself in one of the bathroom stalls and refused to come out until she was ready. So, I wasn't too surprised when she locked herself in yet another bathroom stall at Applebee's last night. I was surprised, however, when she took off her pants and diaper and climbed up onto the toilet. I was even more surprised when she actually used the toilet. All by herself.
I was so excited, I must have told her 100 times on the way home how happy I was for her and how proud she should be. She, too, was quite impressed with herself, but she told me as I got her out of the car, "Mama, I not a big girl." Of course, ten seconds later she was running into Evan's arms screaming about her accomplishment. Guess it's because she knows I'm not quite ready for her a big girl yet.